2014 Portland

  The PSA 85th Annual Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon

March 27-30, 2014

THEME:  “(Un)Changing Institutions:  Work, Family, and Gender in the New Economy”

Institutional transformation is never linear, all-encompassing, or necessarily forward moving.  For the 2014 meetings I invite you to consider the pace, prospects, and pathways for change in work, family, and gender.   You are encouraged to examine these issues in the context of an economy in which young people face an uncertain future and millions are unemployed.   How are work and family being redefined as we make our way through this new economic landscape?  Has progress toward greater gender equality slowed?  The meetings will take up these questions from multiple vantage points, methodologies, and theoretical stances.  I hope you will join me in this effort to examine institutional change in the new economy.

2013-2014 PRESIDENT:  Amy S. Wharton, Washington State University

2014 PROGRAM CHAIR:   Amy Orr, Linfield College
