
Mission of the Pacific Sociological Association

(revised, adopted by PSA Council October, 2020)

The Pacific Sociological Association is committed to serving sociologists in our region–faculty, applied professionals, and students—by providing opportunities for networking and professional development designed to advance scholarly research, promote high-quality teaching and mentorship, and encourage applied sociology for the public good. We strive to create a professional community that reflects the diversity of our region and enhances the diversity of our discipline. We are committed to inclusivity and equity in our organization, to promoting social justice by examining and challenging the structural and institutional barriers in our discipline, and to building pathways for the next generation of sociologists.

Members of the Pacific Sociological Association subscribe to and are bound by the Code of Ethics of the American Sociological Association. The PSA and its members also subscribe to the PSA Manifesto on Academic Freedom and the AAUP Statement on Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure

Current Membership, Geographical Reach and Office

Today the PSA is the professional association of sociologists in the Pacific Region of North America. It is divided into three regions:

  • Northern Region—Alaska,  Montana, Oregon, Wyoming,  Idaho, Washington, British Columbia and Alberta in Canada;
  • Central Region—Hawaii, California (Fresno and north), Nevada (except Las Vegas), Utah, and Colorado
  • Southern Region—Arizona, New Mexico, California (south of Fresno), Nevada (Las Vegas), and Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua in Mexico.

Our membership includes professors and students working at colleges and universities located throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada, but especially those who live in the western region of those countries. Many Association members work as consultants, researchers, and administrators. Some members have government jobs and others own businesses. A significant number are graduate students. The Association holds an annual meeting in late March or early April and publishes a newsletter, The Pacific Sociologist, and a journal, Sociological Perspectives

The archives of the PSA are located at the library of California State University, Sacramento.