Employment Opportunities

If you would like to post a position to this website, please send the information to be posted to executivedirector@pacificsoc.org .   If the position will be “open until filled”, please include information on when you would like the posting removed.  If possible, send your information as a .doc or .docx, as this makes it easier to copy/paste. Posts are accepted from colleges and universities as well as other institutions/organizations seeking to employ sociologists, and need to come directly from the school/organization.

Click on a job title to find full posting information.

CSU Northridge: Assistant Professor of Sociology

University of Memphis: Assistant Professor of Sociology

Salem State University: Faculty, Sociology (Latinx Studies) 

CSU Long Beach: Assistant Professor of Sociology (Digital Technology and Culture)

CSU San Marcos: Assistant Professor of Sociology

University of the Pacific: Assistant Professor of Sociology

Georgia Tech: Assistant Profession of Sociology

Algoma University: Assistant Professor of Sociology