Recent Issues of Sociological Perspectives

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Editors (2023-2025) are Dana Nakano, CSU Stanislaus, and Elizabeth Sowers, CSU Channel Islands, with Managing Editors Zack Davidson (CSU Stansislaus) and Lauren Ballard (CSU CI).

Editors (2020-2022) are Bryan Sykes, UC Irvine, and Black Hawk Hancock, DePaul University, with Managing Editors Bradley Bartos (2020) Matthew Renner (2020-2021), Ernest Chavez, and Justin Strong, UC Irvine.

Beginning in 2017, Sociological Perspectives publishes six issues per year.

PSA members receive online access to the journal, and may receive a printed copy of the journal via mail for $20/year.

February 2023    Volume 66, Number 1
This issue includes the following articles:
“Critical Consciousness of Gender Inequality: Considering the Viewpoints of Racially Diverse High School Girls with Engineering Aspirations” Catherine Riegle-Crumb, Tatiane Russo-Tait, Katherine Doerr, and Ursula Nguyen
“’Maladies of Infinite Aspiration’: Smartphones, Meaning-Seeking, and Anomigenesis”  Justin J. Nelson and Christopher M. Pieper
“’Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t’: Perceived Discrimination and the Paradoxes of Assimilation among U.S. Muslims” Kenneth Vaughan, Jerry Z. Park, Joshua Christopher Tom, and Murat Yilmaz
“One and Many Asian America: Intra-Asian Ethnic Boundaries and Intermarriage”  Jess Lee
“Primed for Backlash: Among Whom Does Demographic Change Provoke Anti-Immigration Attitudes?”  Christopher Maggio
“Returning Biology to Evolutionary Sociology: Reflections on the Conceptual Hiatuses of ‘New Evolutionary Sociology’ as a Vantage Point”   Wing Chung Ho
“Durable Disadvantage: Gender and the Mark of Unauthorized Status in Immigrants’ Occupational Trajectories”  A. Nicole Kreisberg and Margot Jackson
“Durkheim’s Failed Darwinian Encounter: Missed Opportunities on the Path to a Post-exemptionalist Environmental Sociology”  Paul Joseph McLaughlin

December 2022  Volume 65, Number 6
This issue includes the following articles:
PSA Presidential Addresses
“Polarization and Persuasion: Engaging Sociology in the Moral Universe of a Divided Democracy”  Dennis J. Downey (PSA 2020 President)
“The New Normal and the Redefinition of Deviance”  Sharon Kantorowski Davis (PSA 2021 President)
“The U.S. Space of Lifestyles and Its Homologies”  Will Atkinson
“Diversity, Disrupted: A Critique of Neoliberal Difference in Tech Organizations”  Lauren M. Alfrey
“Pharmaceuticalization to Opiod Pharmacovigilance: A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of Opiod-related Policy Changes and the Perspectives of Residents and Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Patients”  Zachary Simoni, Philip Day, David Schneider, Chance Strenth, and Neelima Kale
“Policy Relay: How Affirmative Consent Went from Controversy to Convention” Katelyn Rose Malae
“Racial and Ethnic Differences in Homework Time among U.S. Teens” Allison Dunatchik and Hyunjoon Park
“The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Gender Gap in Newly Created Domains of Household Labor” Jurgita Abromaviciute and Emily K. Carian
“Intergroup Contact and White Racial Apathy: Findings from the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR)  Tony N. Brown, Asia Bento, Julian Culver, Raul S. Casarez, and Horace J. Duffy III
“‘We’re Not All Anti-Choices’: How Controlling Images Shape Latina/x Feminists Abortion Advocacy”  Rocio R. Garcia

October 2022  Volume 65, Number 5
This issue includes the following articles:
“How Does Actual Inequality Shape People’s Perceptions of Inequality? A Class Perspective”  Edward  Haddon and Cary Wu
“American Medical Sociology and Health Problems in the Global South”  Rebecca Farber and Joseph Harris
“Industrial Pollution, Social Trust, and Civic Engagement: A Nationwide Study of the Socioenvironmental Nature of Social Capital”  Phylicia Xin Yi Lee Brown
“Spillover Effects of Restrictive Immigration Policy on Latinx Citizens: Raising or Lowering Earnings?”  Irene Browne, Anne-Kathrin Kronberg, and Jenny McDonnell
“Reciprocal Support within Intimate Relationships: Examining the Association with Depression and Anxiety”  Stephanie Molinda Hansard
“Repertoire Communities in American Popular Music, 1900-1949” William G. Roy
“Digitally Mediated Mobilization in South Korea: Women’s March and Collective Identity Building Online”  Minyoung Moon
“Democracy and Health in Developing Countries: New Cross-National Evidence 1990-2016”  Steven Andrew Mejia
“Unpacking the Influence of Islamic Religious Culture and Individual Religious Affiliation on Testing HIV-positive”  Brittany E. Hayes and Amy Adamczyk

August 2022    Volume 65, Number 4
This issue includes the following articles:
“How Cultural Capital Shapes Mental Health Care Seeking in College”  Katie R. Billings and Kathryne M. Young
“Forms of Group Involvement: Alternatives to the Standard Question”  Claude Fischer and Xavier Durham
“‘Longer than I Would’ve Originally Liked and Originally Thought’: Postsecondary Debt and Marriage Plans for Young Adults Coming of Age in the Great Recession”  Laura Napolitano, Patricia Tevington, Patrick J. Carr, and Maria Kefalas
“The Correlates of Panethnic Identification: Assessing Similarities and Differences among Latinos and Asians in the United States”  Beksahn Jang, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, Liwen Zeng, and Daniel E. Martinez
“The Cogs and Wheels of Authenticity: How Descriptive and Evaluative Beliefs Explain the Unequal Appreciation of Authentic Products”  Sebastian Weingartner, Patrick Schenk, and Jorg Rossel
“Sources of Mattering for Women and Men: Gender Differences and Similarities in Feelings of Social Significance”  Rebecca Bonhag and Paul Froese
“Voting Intersections: Race, Class, and Participation in Presidential Elections in the United States 2008-2016”  Daniel Laurison, Hana Brown, and Ankit Rastogi
“Family Structure, Gender, and Wages in STEM Work”  Ann M. Beutel and Cyrus Schleifer

June 2022        Volume 65, Number 3
This issue includes the following articles:
“White Managers, Ethnoracism, and the Production of Black Ethnic Labor Market Disparities”  Mosi Adesina Ifatunji
“The Language of Immigration Coverage: The Arizona Republic and Media’s Role in the Production of Social Illegality”  Daniel R. Alvord and Cecilia Menjivar
“Rurality as Concordance: Mental Health Service Delivery for Rural Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence”  Michele Statz, Katie R. Billings, and Jordan Wolf
“‘You Start with the Youth’: Narratives of Deservingness and Dissent at a Homeless Service Organization”  Dilara Yarbrough
“Development Channelization, Partisanship, and Populism: Possibilities for Rural Renewal in the Death Throes of Coal”  Adam Mayer
“Gender Differences in Academic Efficacy across STEM Fields”  Jennifer Ashlock, Miodrag Stojnic, and Zeynep Tufekci
“Foreign Capital and Economic Growth: A Social Network Analysis, 2001-2017”  Rob Clark and Jeffrey Kentor
“Seeing Class in Ladders: An Integrated Approach to Subjective Status and Health Inequality”  Matthew A. Andersson

April 2022          Volume 65, Number 2
This issue includes the following articles:
“Google, Tell Me, Is He Gay? Masculinity, Heterosexuality, and Gendered Anxieties in Google Search Queries about Sexuality”  Emma Mishel, Tristan Bridges, and Monica L Caudillo
“Attitudinal Change, Cohort Replacement, and the Liberalization of Attitudes about Same-sex Relationships, 1973-2018”  Ashley Wendell Kranjac and Robert L. Wagmiller
“The Problem of Pétain: The State Politics of Difficult Reputations”  Baptiste Brossard and Gary Alan Fine
“The Influence of Parental Religiosity on the Health of Children during Late Adolescence/Early Adulthood: A Test of Mediation”  Jason Alan Freeman
“Migrant Allies and Sexual Remittances: How International Students Change the Sexual Attitudes of Those Who Remain Behind”  Skyler Wang
“The Neighborhood Attainment of Mixed-Race Couples across the Black/White Spectrum”  Ryan Gabriel, Jacob Rugh, Hannah Spencer, and Aisha Lehmann
“Preferences for Paid Paternity Leave Availability, Lengths of Leave Offerings, and Government Funding of Paternity Leaves in the United States”  Chris Knoester and Qi Li
“Does Disassociation with a Majority Religion Influence Community Desirability? Evidence from Rural Utah”  Alex Nicholas Andre, Scott Sanders, Michael R. Cope, and Benjamin Gibbs
“Peer and Community Influences on Adolescent Substance Use in the Context of Adverse Childhood Experiences”  Haley Stritzel

February 2022      Volumne 65, Number 1
This is a special issue on Sociological Perspectives on Guns in America, with guest editors Trent Steidley and David Yamane, and includes the following articles:
“Special Issue Editors’ Introduction: A Sociology of Firearms for the Twenty-First Century”  Trent Steidley and David Yamane
“How Attitudes about Guns Develop over Time”  Harel Shapira, Chen Liang, and Ken-Hou Lin
“Who Are Gun Ownders in the United States? A Latent Class Analysis of the 2019 National Lawful Use of Guns Survey”  Claire Boine, Keven Caffrey, and Michael Siegel
“Queers with Guns? Against the LGBT Grain”  Thatcher Phoenix Combs
“Feminism and Firearms: Gun Ownership, Gun Carrying, and Women’s Empowerment”  Margaret S. Kelley
“To Provide or Protect? Masculinity, Economic Precarity, and Protective Gun Ownership in the United States”  Tara D. Warner, Tara Leigh Tober, Tristan Bridges, and David F. Warner
“Gun Ownership, Threat, and Gun Attitudes in an Experiment”  Abigail Vegter
“Gender/Nationality Intersections in Attitudes Toward Gun Carry among Israeli Citizens”  Sarai B. Aharoni, Alisa C. Lewin, and Amalia Sa’ar
“Gun Dealer Motivations for Complying with the Law: Lessons from the Australian Experience of Gun Control”  Suzanna Fay
“Beyond Gun Control: Mapping Gun Violence Prevention Logics”  Jordan McMillan and Mary Bernstein
“Conspicuously Concealed: Federal Funding, Knowledge Production, and the Criminalization of Gun Research”  Jennifer Carlson and Rina James
“Information-seeking in the Wake of Tragedy: An Examination of Public Response to Mass Shootings Using Google Search Data”  Daniel Charles Semenza and John A. Bernau
This issue also includes an acknowledgement and list of reviewers during 2021.

December 2021    Volume 64, Number 6
This issue includes the following articles:
“The Gender of Multiculturalism: Cultural Tokenism and the Institutional Isolation of Immigrant Women Faculty”   Debaleena Ghosh and Kristen Barber
“Sanctioning Genocide: To What Effect?”    Whitney K. Taylor and Hollie Nyseth Brehm
“Dynamics of Distinction and Solidarity within Social Movements: Explaining Relations between Privileged and Underprivileged Groups in the U.S. Immigrant Rights Movement”    Walter Nicholls, Justus Uitermark, and Sander van Haperen
“Kinship Ties to Government Staff and Local Political Trust: Evidence from Rural China”     Anning Hu and Chen Yin
“Is There a Link between Welfare Regime and Attitudes toward Climate Policy Instruments?”     Jukka Sivonene and Iida Kukkonen
“Education and Social Trust in Global Perspective”    Cary Wu
“Social Participation across Mid- and Later-life: Evidence from a Longitudinal Cohort Study”     Eric M. Vogelsang
“From the Hood to the Home: Masculinity Maturation of Chicago Street Gang Members”    John Leverso and Chris Hess

October 2021      Volume 64, Number 5
This is a special issue: Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Society, with guest editors Andrew P. Davis, Simone Rambotti, and Terrence D. Hill, and contains the following articles:
“Introduction to the Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Society”  Andrew P. Davis, Simone Rambotti, and Terrence D. Hill
“Toward a Critical Race Theory of Prison Order in the Wake of COVID-19 and Its Afterlives: When Disaster Collides with Institutional Death by Design”   Brittany Feldman
“Between Distancing and Interdependence: The Conflict of Solidarities in the COVID-19 Pandemic”  Mauro Basaure, Alfredo Joignant, and Aldo Mascareno
“COVID-19 and the Political Framing of China, Nationalism, and Borders in the U.S. and South Korean News Media”  Angie Y. CHung, Hyerim Jo, Ji-won Lee, and Fan Yang
” ‘Of Course We Need to Help the Undocumented Immigrants!’: Twitter Discourse on the (Un)deservingness of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic”   Josefina Flores Morales and Fanni Farago
“The Nastiest Question: Does Population Mobility Vary by State Political Ideology during the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic?”   Terrence D. Hill, Kelsey E. Gonzalez, and Andrew P. Davis
“Racial/Ethnic Residential Segregation and the First Wave of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates: A Spatial Analysis of Four U.S. Cities”  Kathryn Freeman Anderson, Angelica Lopez, and Dylan Simburger
“Unequal Opportunity Spreaders: Higher COVID-19 Deaths with Later School Closure in the United States”   Emily Rauscher and Ailish Burns
“No Choice but to Be Essential: Expanding Dimensions of Precarity During COVID-19”   Lola Loustaunau, Lina Stepick, Ellen Scott, Larissa Petrucci, and Miriam Henifin
“Working Differently or Not at All: COVID-19’s Effects on Employment among People with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions”    Michelle Lee Marotoa, David Pettinicchio, and Martin Lukk
“The Side Hustle Safety Net: Precarious Workers and Gig Work during COVID-19”    Alexandrea J. Ravenelle, Ken Cai Kowalski, and Erica Janko
“‘Everything is Connected’: Health Lifestyles an dTeenagers’ Social Distancing Behaviors in the COVID-19 Pandemic”     Stefanie Mollborn, Katie Holstein Mercer, and Theresa Edwards-Capen
“Transmitting Desire: An Experiment on a Novel Measure of Gun Desirability in a Pandemic”     Justin Lucas Sola
“Testing an Integrated Theory: Distancing Norms in the Early Months of Covid-19”     Christine Horne and Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson
“Elite Cues and the Rapid Decline in Trust in Science Agencies on COVID-19”     Lawrence C. Hamilton and Thomas G. Safford
“Making the Grade during Pandemic: Early-stage and Late-stage Provisional Institutions”    Alexander B. Kinney and Nicholas J. Rowland
“Corporate Responses to COVID-19: A Nonmarket Strategy Approach”  Yongjun Zhang

August 2021        Volume 64, Number 4
This issue contains the following articles:
“The Meaning of ‘Racism'”  Jiannbin Shiao and Ashley Woody
“‘Cops Only See the Brown Skin, They Could Care Less Where It Originated’: Afro-Latinx Perceptiosn of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement”  Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman and Angelica Lobloack
“The Suppressive Impacts of Voter Identification Requirements” Jennifer Darrah-Okike, Nathalie Rita, and John R. Logan
“Pushed Together or Pulled Apart? Economic Stressors and Romantic Relationship Quality”  Amy Lucas, Jessica Halliday Hardie, and Sejung Sage Yim
“Social Class and Parenting in Mexican American Families”  David E. Rangel and Megan N. Shoji
“Metropolitan Networks: A Socio-spatial Analysis of Social Ties in Tehran” Jaleh Jalili
“Producing Ignorance Through Regulatory Structure: The Case of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)”  Lauren Richter, Alissa Cordner, and Phil Brown
“Shaping the Environmental Self: The Role of Childhood Experiences in Shaping Identity Standards of Environmental Behavior in Adulthood”  Amanda M. Dewey

June 2021         Volume 64, Number 3
This issue contains the following articles:
Editor’s Pick:  “Military, Race, and Urbanization: Lessons of Environmental Injustice from Las Vegas, Nevada”  Camila H. Alvarez
“Racialized Workplaces, Contemporary Racial Attitudes, and Stereotype Endorsement: A Recipe for Consumer Racial Profiling”  Zachary W. Brewster and Gerald Roman Nowak III
“‘Latino’ or ‘Hispanic’? The Sociodemographic Correlates of Panethnic Lavel Preferences amond U.S. Latinos/Hispanics”  Daniel E. Martinez and Kelsey E. Gonzalez
“Signals in the Waves of Surf: Category Development and Signals in Surf Music”  Matthijs B. Punt and Alex van Venrooij
“Shades of Universality: Variation of Performances in the Glocalized Israeli Human Rights Discourse” Ben Bornstein
“‘Tindersluts’ and ‘Tinderellas’: Examining the Digital Affordances Shaping the (Hetero) Sexual Scripts of Young Womxn on Tinder”  MacKenzie A. Christensen
“When Does Sexuality Matter? Cross-cultural Analysis of Gay Identity”  Hubert Izienicki
“Reproducing the Working Class? INcongruence between the Valuation of Social-Emotional Skills in School and in the Labor Market”  Siqi Han

April 2021            Volume 64, Number 2
This issue contains the following articles:
Editor’s Pick: “Class Dominance or Fracturing? Sources of Broad Interest in Lobbying by Fortune 500 Corporations”  Tarun Banerjee and Joshua Murray
“The Impact of Economic Inequality on Entrepeneurship: Does a Society’s Stage of Development Make a Difference?” Daniel Auguste
“Market Transition, Multidimensional Socioeconomic Status, and Health Disparities in Urban China”  Jun Xu, Wei Zhao, and Fang Gong
“Foreign Direct Investment Dependence and the Neglected Greenhouse Gas: A Cross-National Analysis of Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Developing Countries, 1990-2014”  Steven Andrew Mejia
“Stigma in Class: Mental Illness, Social Status, and Tokenism in Elite College Culture”  Katie R. Billings
“The Stigma of ADHD: Teacher Ratings of Labeled Students”  Ashley N. Metzget and Laura T. Hamilton
“Part-time by Gender, Not Choice: The Gender Gap in Involuntary Part-time Work”  Corey Pech, Elizabeth Klainot-Hess, and Davon Norris
“The Educational Consequences of Parental Immigration Detention” Gabriela Gonzalez and Caitlin Patler

February 2021          Volume 64, Number 1
This issue contains the following articles:
Editor’s Pick: “Tangled Roots: Personal Networks and the Participation of Individuals in an Anti-environmentalism Countermovement”  David B. Tindall, Adam C. Howe, and Celine Mauboules
“A Tale of Many Sources: The Perceived Benefits of Significant Other, Similar Other, and Significant and Similar Other Social Support”  Sarah J. Hatteberg
“The Effects of Selective and Indiscriminate Repression on the 2013 Gezi Park Nonviolent Resistance Campaign”  Tijen Demirel-Pegg and Karen Rasler
“Choosing and Changing Course: Postsecondary Students and the Process of Selecting a Major Field of Study”  Patrick A. Denice
“Relations of Power and Nonhuman Agency: Critical Theory, Clever Hans, and Other Stories of Horses and Humans”  Helen Wadham
“Things Are the Way They Are: A Typology of Reification”  Ryan Gunderson

December 2020        Volume 63, Number 6
This is a special issue: The Plurality of Perspectives on Monetary Sanctions, with the following articles:
“‘The Plurality of Perspectives on Monetary Sanctions’: An Introductory Essay”  Karin D. Martin
“Who Pays for the Welfare State? Austerity Politics and the Origin of Pay-to-Stay Fees as Revenue Generation” Gabriela Kirk, April Fernandes, and Brittany Friedman
“Agency-level Perceptions of Monetary Sanctions: Current Landscape and Impediment to Reform” Jordan Hyatt, Kathleen Powell, and Nathan Link
“Making Sense of Misdemeanors: Fine Only Offenses in Convivial Court Rooms” Taylor Needham, Abena Subira Mackall, and Becky Pettit
“‘Let Me Be Bill-free’: Consumer Debt in the Shadow of Incarceration” Annie Harper, Tommaso Bardelli, and Stacey Barrenger
“User Funded? Using Budgets to Examine the Scope and Revenue Impact of Fines and Fees in the Criminal Justice System” Chris Mai and Maria Katarina E. Rafael
“Restitution without Restoration? Exploring the Gap between the Perception and Implementation of Restitution” Karin D. Martin and Matthew Z. Fowle
This issue also contains a list and acknowledgement of reviewers, 2019-2020.

October 2020            Volume 63, Number 5
This issue contains the following articles:
Editor’s Pick: “The Value of Social Control: Racial Resentment, Punitiveness, and White Support for Spending on Law Enforcement” R. C. Morris and Ryan Jerome LeCount
“Self-employment and Civic Inclination” F. Carson Mencken, Bethany Smith, and Charles M. Tolbert
“Neighborhood Composition and Community Garden Locations: The Effect of Ethnicity, Income, and Education” Katie L. Butterfield
“Deforestation in the Global South: Assessing Uneven Environmental Improvements 1993-2013”  Aaron William Tester
“Globally Visible Environmental Protest: A Cross-national Analysis, 1970-2010” Erin M. Evans, Evan Schofer, and Ann Hironaka
“Barriers to Bachelor’s Degree Completion among College Students with a Disability” Jamie M. Carroll, Evangeleen Pattison, Chandra Muller, and April Sutton
“Punitive Exclusion and Therapeutic Support: Race, Gender, Class, and Multidimensional Control of High School Girls” Katherine Irwin
“Spontaneity, Coalition Structure, and Strategic Choice” Amanda Pullum
“The Double Edge of Professional Agency: The Contradictory Roles of Human Resource Professionals in teh Implementation of the Parental Leave Policy in South Korea” Kyungmin Baek and Seongsoo Choi

August 2020              Volume 63, Number 4
This issue contains the following articles:
Editor’s Pick: “The Black/White Skill Gap in Early Childhood: The Role of Parenting”  Benjamin G. Gibbs and Douglas B. Downey
“Black Students’ College Preferences: The Role of the White Racial Frame in Perpetuating Integration” Megan M. Holland
“Do Latinos Consider Themselves Mainstream? The Influence of Religion” Jessica Vasquez-Tokos
“Contentious Storytelling Online: Articulating Activism through Negotiation of Metanarratives”  Victoria Gonzalez
“Productive Activities and Risk of Cognitive Impairment nd Depression: Does the Association Vary by Gender?”  Haena Lee and Shannon Ang
“Immigration and Labor Market Outcomes in U.S. Metropolitan Areas” Allen Hyde and Michael Wallace
“Successful yet Precarious: South Asian Muslim Americans, Islamophobia, and the Model Minority Myth” Tahseen Shams
“Networks, Power, and the Effects of Legitimacy in Contentious Politics” Eric W. Schoon, Alexandra Pocek Joosse, and H. Brinton Milward

June 2020                   Volume 63, Number 3
This issue has one regular section, and several sections comprising a Special Issue with content related to the 2019 PSA conference Presidential Sessions, with the following articles:
Methodological Advancements, Social Movement Frames, and Infertility and Identity Formation
Editor’s Pick: “Limitations of Fixed-Effects Models for Panel Data”  Terrence D. Hill, Andrew P. Davis, J. Micah Roos, and Michael T. French
“Under Construction: Frames, Culture, and American Labor’s Postwar Embrace of ‘Free Enterprise'”  Kristina Fuentes
“Infertility and Self-identification: The Indeterminacy of the Illness-self Relationship”  Katherine M. Johnson, Arthur L. Greil, Julia McQuillan, Ophra Leyser-Whalen, and Karina M. Shreffler
Special Issue on Millennials/Gen Z: Engaging, Researching, and Teaching about Power, Diversity, and Change
Presidential Address
“The Millennial/Gen Z Leftists Are Emerging: Are Sociologists Ready for Them?” Elaine Bell Kaplan
PSA and Millennials
“Celebrating PSA 90 Years: Presenting the Past and Present to Address the Challenges Facing Millennials in the Future”  Sharon K. Davis, Dean S. Dorn, and Amy J. Orr
Sociological Approaches to Millennials
Panel: “Engaging Millennials on Sociological Theory” Glenn Goodwin, Jonathan Turner, Kevin McCaffree, and Randall Collins
“Millennials and Gender in an Era of Growing Inequality” Lori Baralt, Emily K. Carian, Amy L. Johnson, Sojung Lim, and Soo-Yeon Yoon
“Latinx Millennials: Enduring Issues and New Challenges” Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Emir Estrada, Edward O. Flores, adn Glenda M. Flores
“The Case of Black Millennials” Shaonta’ E. Allen, Ifeyinwa F. Davis, Maretta McDonald, and Candice C. Robinson
“Linking Contexts, Intersectionality, and Generations: Toward a Multidimensional Theory of Millennials and Social Change”  LaToya D. Council, Chelsea Johnson, Karina Santellano, and Hajar Yazdiha
Moving Forward with New Generations
“Millennials and Moral Panic in the United States and Beyond” Emily Andrade, A. James McKeever, Roberto Rivera, Elizabeth Withers, and Hyeyoung Woo
“(Re)Constructing Expertise on Resistance: What We Can Learn from Youth Mobilizing against Social Inequality”  Theresa Hice Fromille, Karina Ruiz, Roxanna Villalobos, Lesly Martinez Ibanez, and Valeria Mena
“Dancing in the Street: Impacting At-Rist Youths’ Lives through the Arts” Sharon K. Davis

April 2020                  Volume 63, Number 2
This issue has three sections, with the following articles:
Educational and Health Inequality
Editor’s Pick: “Gender, Education, and Physical Health among Adults in Central Mexico”  Bridget K. Gorman, Claire E. Altman, Rudy Guerra, and Sergio Chavez
“Punitive versus Medicalized Responses to Childhood Behavior Problems and High School Graduation”  David M. Ramey
Occupational Success and Academic Productivity
“Lost in Translation: Obstacles to Converting Global Cultural Capital to Local Occupational Success”  Jonathan A. Jarvis
“Publishing Productivity of Sociologists at American Colleges and Universities: Institution Type, Gender, and Other Correlates of Book and Article Counts” Esther Isabelle Wilder and William H. Walters
Environmental Degradation: Exposure, Exchange, and Identity Formation
“Global Environmentalism and the World-System: A Cross-National Analysis of Air Pollution” Steven Andrew Mejia
“The Inequality of Mundane Environmental Change: Assessing the Impacts of Socioeconomic Status and Race on Neighborhood Land Development, 2001-2011” Matthew Thomas Clement and Camila Alvarez
“India, Palm Oil, and Ecologically Unequal Exchange: A Cross-national Analysis of Forest Loss”  Jamie M. Sommer, Michael Restivo, and John M. Shandra
“‘Down Here We Rely on Fishing and Oil’: Work Identity and Fishers’ Responses to the BP Oil Spill Disaster” Jill Ann Harrison

February 2020           Volume 63, Number 1
This issue has two sections, with the following articles:
Work, Labor-Markets, and Wage Inequality
Editor’s Pick: “Understanding Perceived Worker Insecurity in Europe, 2002-2016: Economic Freedom and Neoliberalism as Alternative Theories?” Jeffrey C. Dixon
“Categorical Matching as an Organizational Condition for Gender Inequality in the Korean Labor Market” Young-Mi Kim, Heiwon Kwon, and Hyunji Kwon
“Economic Insecurity among Gay and Bisexual Men: Evidence from the 1991-2016 U.S. General Social Survey” Lei Chai and Michelle Maroto
“Bargaining Bonus or Breadwinning Burden? Wives’ Relative Earnings, Childrearing, and Depression”  Katrina Leupp
“Employees’ Managed Resentment: Public Procurement and the Part of Emotions in Social Change” Orly Benjamin
“Disability Segregation in Volunteer Work” Carrie L. Shandra
Interpersonal Relationships and Social Networks Formation
“‘It’s Its Own Thing’: A Typology of Interpersonal Sugar Relationship Scripts”  Maren T. Scull
“Post-gay, Political, and Pieced Together: Queer Expectations of Straight Allies” TehQuin D. Forbes and Koji Ueno

Editors for 2016 through 2019 were Matthew Carlson, Lindsey Wilkinson, and Hyeyoung Woo of Portland State University, with Managing Editor Elizabeth Withers.  You can find podcasts by authors (one from each issue, beginning 2017) through this link.

December 2019        Volume 62, Number 6
This issue has three sections, with the following articles:
Editorial: Goodbye Letter from Matthew Carlson, Lindsey Wilkinson, Hyeyoung Woo, and Elizabeth Withers
Sources and Influences of Social Capital
Editor’s Pick: “Sources of Friendship and Structurally Induced Homphily across the Life Course” Reuben J. Thomas
“Social Capital’s Influence on Environmental Concern in China: An Analysis of the 2010 Chinese General Social Survey” Feng Hao, Jay L. Michaels, and Shannon Elizabeth Bell
“Barrier or Booster? Digital Media, Social Networks, and Youth Micromobilization” Thomas V. Maher and Jennifer Earl
“Nonparental Caregivers, Parents, and Early Academic Achievement among Children from Latino/a Immigrant Households” Lilla K. Pivnick
Gun Control Policy
“Expanding the Castle: Explaining Stand Your Ground Legislation in American States, 2005-2012” Vincent Ferraro and Saran Ghatak
“Sharing the Monopoly on Violence? Shall-Issue Concealed Handgun License Laws and Responsibilization” Trent Steidley
Sociology of Religion
“Religion and Support for Political Violence among Christians and Muslims in Africa” Amy Adamczyk and Gary LaFree
“A Polluting Creed: Religion and Environmental Inequality in the United States” Kevin T. Smiley
“Attachment to God and Social Trust” Matt Bradshaw, Black Victor Kent, W. Matthew Henderson, and Anna Catherine Setar
Reviewer Acknowledgement

October 2019             Volume 62, Number 5
This is a special issue: Civic Responses to Environmental Issues: How Culture Matters, by Guest Editors Emily Huddart Kennedy and Josee Johnston. It has two sections, with the following articles:
Editorial: “If You Love the Environment, Why Don’t You Do Something to Save It? Bringing Culture into Environmental Analysis” Emily Huddart Kennedy and Josee Johnston
How Emotions Contour Responses to Environmental Issues
“Framing and Feeling Fuel Environmentally Responsible Behaviors of Black Residents in the United States” Karen A. Hegtvedt, Christie L. Parris, and Cathryn Johnson
“The Self-sufficient Citizen: Ecological Habitus and Changing Environmental Practices” Allison Ford
“Eco-habitus or Eco-powerlessness? Examining Environmental Concern across Social Class” Emily Huddart Kennedy and Jennifer E. Givens
“Doing Right and Feeling Good: Ethical Food and the Shopping Experience” Ethan D. Schoolman
“Defining, Aligning, and Negotiating Futures: New Forms of Identify Work in an Urban Farming Project” Amy Jonason
“Building a Home: Everyday Placemaking in a Toxic Neighborhood” Maricarmen Hernandez
How Frames, Narratives and Repertoires Condition Responses to Environmental Issues
“Rethinking Greenwashing: Corporate Discourse, Unethical Practice, and the Unmet Potential of Ethical Consumerism” Ellis Jones
“‘Not an Environmentalist’: Strategic Centrism, Cultural Stereotypes, and Disidentification” Elizabeth Cherry
“Cultural Barriers to Environmental Mobilization in the Republic of Turkey” S. Ilgu Ozler and Brian K. Obach
“How Do Ordinary Swiss People Represent and Engage with Environmental Issues? Grappling with Cultural Repertoires” Philip Balsiger, Jasmine Lorenzini, and Marlyne Sahakian

August 2019              Volume 62, Number 4
This issue has three sections, with the following articles:
Conditions and Outcomes of Social Movements
Editors’ Pick:  “The Mobilizing Effects of Economic Threats and Resources on the Formation of Local Occupy Wall Street Protest Groups in 2011”  Patrick F. Gillham, Nathan C. Lindstedt, Bob Edwards, Erik W. Johnson
“Political Assassination and Social Movement Outcomes: Martin Luther King and the Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike”  Claire Whitlinger, Joe Fretwell
“Rethinking Legitimation: Positional and Mediated Legitimation Processes for Croatian NGOs”  Laura J. Heideman
Religion and Secularization
“Being Done: Why People Leave the Church, But Not Their Faith”  Josh Packard, Todd W. Ferguson
“Selection versus Socialization? Interrogating the Sources of Secularity in Global Science”  Daniel Bolger, Robert A. Thomson, Jr., Elaine Howard Ecklund
Racism in Places
” ‘It’s Like Going Back in Time’: How White Retirees Use Expatriation to Reclaim White Dominance”  Devon R. Goss
“’It’s Not Discrimination’: Chinese Migrant Workers’ Perceptions of and Reactions to Racial Microaggressions in Australia”  Yao-Tai Li
“’You Can Say I Got Desensitized to It’: How Men of Color Cope with Everyday Racism in Online Gaming”  Stephanie M. Ortiz

June 2019                   Volume 62, Number 3
This issue has three sections, with the following articles:
Political Sociology: International Perspectives
Editors’ Pick:  “Who Doesn’t Want Democracy? A Multilevel Analysis of Elite and Mass Attitudes”  Brandon Gorman, Ijlal Naqvi, Charles Kurzman
” Democracy and Infant Mortality in Less-Developed Nations: Dismantling Differences in Direct and Indirect Effects Modeling”  Mark D. Noble
” Environmental Enforcement: An Exploration of Latino Political Representation” Francesca Spina, Philip D. McCormack, Kaitlyn Clarke, Scott Walfield
“The Relationship between College Major Prestige/Status and Post-baccalaureate Outcomes”  Richard N. Pitt, Lin Zhu
“You Lead Like a Girl: Gender and Children’s Leadership Development”  Alexa J. Trumpy, Marissa Elliott
“Educational Expectations of Immigrant Students: Does Tracking Matter?”  Volha Chykina
Urban Sociology
“Correctional Facility Establishments and Neighborhood Housing Characteristics” Kelly McGeever
“From Apple to Orange: Narratives of Small City Migration and Settlement among the Urban Middle Class”  Richard E. Ocejo

April 2019                  Volume 62, Number 2

This issue has two sections, with the following articles:
Marriage & Family
Editors’ Pick:  “’I Don’t Look Like Her’: Race, Resemblance, and Relationships in Multiracial Families”  Chandra D. L. Waring, Samit D. Bordoloi
“Happily Ever After? Exploring U.S. Collegiate Women’s Understandings of Love as Impermanent and Timeless in the Age of Capitalism”  Amanda Koontz, Lauren Norman
“The Different Roles of Parents and Friends: Support for Divorce and Repartnering Following Martial Dissolution among Latina and White Women”  Catherine B. McNamee, Lisa Smyth
Self & Identity
“From Shame to Dignity: Elderly Women, Depression, and the Feminine Self”  Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano
“Identity Processes in Face-to-Face and Digitally Mediated Environments”  Michael J. Carter, Emily K. Asencio
“Filipinos Love Serving Others: Negotiating a Filipino Identity in Hawai’i” Daniel B. Eisen

February 2019          Volume 62, Number 1
This issue has four sections, with the following articles:
Presidential Address (by 2018 PSA President)
“Teaching Sociology: The Precariousness of Academic Freedom”  Amy J. Orr
Gender and Work
“Intentional Invisibility: Professional Women and the Navigation of Workplace Constraints”  Swethaa Ballakrishnen, Priya Fielding-Singh, Devon Magliozzi
“’We Will Handle It Ourselves’: The Micropolitics of Resistance in Low-Wage Care Work”  Jillian Crocker
Collective Behavior
“New Technologies as a Neglected Social Movement Outcome: The Case of Activism against Animal Experimentation”  Manès Weisskircher
“Mobilizing Grievances in an Authoritarian Setting: Threat and Emotion in the 1953 Plzeň Uprising”  Laura A. Bray, Thomas E. Shriver, Alison E. Adams
Housing Issues in the United States
“Past Due: Combinations of Utility and Housing Hardship in the United States”  Ryan Finnigan, Kelsey D. Meagher
“Trust and the Built Environment in New York City’s Public Housing”  Beck

December 2018        Volume 61, Number 6
This issue has four sections, with the following articles:
Editors’ Pick:  “To Reveal or Conceal: How Diverse Undocumented Youth Navigate Legal Status Disclosure”  Caitlin Patler
“Spousal Characteristics and Language Use at Home: Immigrants and Their Descendants in Canada”  Rennie Lee
Collective Action
“Lifestyle Movements as Social Networks: The Connections between Everyday Politics and Larger Collective Action in an Indian Feminist Movement”  Todd Nicholas Fuist, Elizabeth Mogford, Abhijit Das
“Not All Civic Action Is Equal: Two Forms of Civic Associations and Their Disparate Effects on Poverty and Poverty Segregation”  Bryant Crubaugh
Gender and Sexualities
“The Limits of Homonormativity: Constructions of Bisexual and Transgender People in the Post-gay Era”  Lain A. B. Mathers, J. E. Sumerau, Ryan T. Cragun
“Political Economy of Embodiment: Capitalizing on Globally Staged Bodies in Nigerian Beauty Pageants and Vietnamese Sex Work” Oluwakemi M. Balogun, Kimberly Kay Hoang
International Sociology
“Nonstandard Employment and Health in South Korea: The Role of Gender and Family Status” Sojung Lim, Sun Young Jeon, Joongbaeck Kim, Hyeyoung Woo

October 2018            Volume 61, Number 5
This issue has two sections, with the following articles:
Editors’ Pick: “Family-related Disparities in College Enrollment across the Great Recession”  Elizabeth Cozzolino, Chelsea Smith, Robert L. Crosnoe
“’My Family Are Supportive . . . But People in My Village Mock Me’: Bonding and Bridging Capital among Women Pursuing Secondary Education in Kathmandu, Nepal”  Srijana Karki, Tamara L. Mix
“Unmet Goals of Tracking: Within-track Heterogeneity of Students’ Expectations about the Future”  Laura Van den Broeck, Jannick Demanet, Mieke Van Houtte
Work and Occupations
“Understanding Gendered Negotiations in the Academic Dual-career Hiring Process”  Sarah Morton
“Non-normative Connections between Work and Family: The Gendered Career Consequences of Being a Dual-career Academic”  Hong Zhang, Julie A. Kmec
“The Deficient Worker: Skills, Identity, and Inequality in Service Employment”  Eileen Otis, Tongyu Wu
“Not Just a Mothers’ Problem: The Consequences of Perceived Workplace Flexibility Bias for All Workers”  Lindsey Trimble O’Connor, Erin A. Cech
” Pulled in Too Many Directions: The Causes and Consequences of Work-Work Conflict”  Alison T. Wynn, Magali Fassiotto, Caroline Simard, Jennifer L. Raymond, Hannah Valantine

August 2018               Volume 61, Number 4
This issue has three sections, with the following articles:
Immigrants in the US and Elsewhere
Editors’ Pick:  “Age Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms by Age at Immigration among Older Men and Women of Mexican Descent: The Role of Social Resources”  Maria A. Monserud, Kyriakos S. Markides
“Nested Contexts of Reception: Undocumented Students at the University of California, Central”  Tanya Golash-Boza, Zulema Valdez
“All Talk and No Action? Racial Differences in College Behaviors and Attendance”  Mary Kate Blake
“Converging or Diverging: Shifting Ethnoracial Composition and the Urban-suburban Distinction in Attitudes toward Immigrants in Houston, 1995–2016”  Heather A. O’Connell, Ethan J. Raker
“Threat Perceptions of Migrants in Britain and Support for Policy”  Richard Stansfield, Brenna Stone
Adolescents and Young Adults
“Empowerment in a Controlling Place: Youth Program Facilitators and Resistance to School Discipline”  Max A. Greenberg
“Internet Intimacy: Authenticity and Longing in the Relationships of Millennial Young Adults”  Cristen Dalessandro
Race and Class
“Medicalization, Normalization, and Performance Edge: Teachers’ Attitudes about ADHD Medication Use and the Influence of Race and Social Class” Zachary R. Simoni
“Daily Mobility in the Black-White Segregated City: Linking Material Realities and Repertoires of Meaning” Daanika Gordon

June 2018                    Volume 61, Number 3
This issue has three sections, with the following articles: 
Editors’ Pick:  “Social Origins of Scientific Deviance: Examining Creationism and Global Warming Skepticism”  Joshua C. Tom
“Moral Communities and Sex: The Religious Influence on Young Adult Sexual Behavior and Regret”  Kyle C. Longest, Jeremy E. Uecker
“Doing Sexual Responsibility: HIV, Risk Discourses, Trust, and Gay Men Interacting Online”  Brandon Andrew Robinson
“Newspaper Presentations of Homosexuality across Nations: Examining Differences by Religion, Economic Development, and Democracy”  Amy Adamczyk, Chunrye Kim, Margaret Schmuhl
“Bud-sex, Dude-sex, and Heteroflexible Men: The Relationship between Straight Identification and Social Attitudes in a Nationally Representative Sample of Men with Same-sex Attractions or Sexual Practices”  Tony J. Silva, Rachel Bridges Whaley
International Sociology
“Organizational Change under Institutional Logics: Family Control of Corporate Boards in Taiwan”  Young-Choon Kim, Chi-Nien Chung
“The Corporate Networks and Symbolic Capital of British Business Leaders”  Andrew Buck
“Gendered Stigma Management among Young Adult Women Smokers in South Korea”  Juhee Woo

April 2018                   Volume 61, Number 2
This is a special issue on Ethnography, with the following articles:
“The Ethnography Initiative in the Pacific Sociological Association”  Dennis J. Downey
“The Ethnographer’s Circle: Institutionalizing Ethnography in the Pacific Sociological Association”  Black Hawk Hancock, Daniel R. Morrison
“Black Logics, Black Methods: Indigenous Timelines, Race, and Ethnography” Marcus Anthony Hunter
“ ‘I Have to Write a Statement of Moral Conviction. Can Anyone Help?’: Parents’ Strategies for Managing Compulsory Vaccination Laws”  Jennifer A. Reich
“Challenging Stigma: Identity Talk among Male Sex Workers in a Recovery Program”  Sharon S. Oselin
“ ‘They Give Teachers a Hard Time’: Symbolic Violence and Intersections of Race and Class in Interpretations of Teacher-student Relations”  Melanie Jones Gast
“Misery Loves Company: Poverty, Mobility, and Higher Education in the Post-welfare State”  Susan E. Mannon
“The Architecture of Ethnographic Knowledge: Narrowing Down Data and Contexts in Search of Sociological Cases”  Andrew Deener
“The Problem of “Cameo Appearances” in Mixed-methods Research: Implications for Twenty-first-century Ethnography”  Black Hawk Hancock, Bryan L. Sykes, Anjuli Verma

February 2018           Volume 61, Number 1
This issue has five sections, with the following articles:
Presidential Address (from 2017 PSA Conference)
“Institutional Betrayal: Inequity, Discrimination, Bullying, and Retaliation in Academia” Karen D. Pyke
Social Citizenship
“Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor? Support for Social Citizenship Rights in the United States and Europe”  Jennifer Oser, Marc Hooghe
“Learning to Labor, Love, and Live: Shaping the Good Neoliberal Citizen in State Work and Marriage Programs”  Jennifer Randles, Kerry Woodward
Social Identity Theory
“Role-specific Self-efficacy as Precedent and Product of the Identity Model”  Philip S. Brenner, Richard T. Serpe, Sheldon Stryker
“Paying It Forward and Getting It Back: The Benefits of Shared Social Identity in Generalized Exchange”  Monica M. Whitham
Identity and Inequality
“Discovery Orientation, Cognitive Schemas, and Disparities in Science Identity in Early Adolescence”  Patricia Wonch Hill, Julia McQuillan, Amy N. Spiegel, Judy Diamond
“Does Asserting a Nonblack Identity Elicit Positive Evaluations? White Observers’ Reactions to Black, Biracial, Multiracial, and White Job Applicants”  Casey Stockstill
Educational Inequality
“Family Investments in Education during Periods of Economic Uncertainty: Evidence from the Great Recession” Anna Lunn, Sabino Kornrich
“Staying Close or Going Away: How Distance to College Impacts the Educational Attainment and Academic Performance of First-generation College Students”  Alma Nidia Garza, Andrew S. Fullerton

December 2017         Volume 60, Number 6
This issue contains four sections, with the following articles:
Social Relations on Health and Well-Being
Editor’s Pick: “Does Your Body Know Who You Know? Multiple Roles of Network Members’ Socioeconomic Status for Body Weight Ratings” Lijun Song, Philip J. Pettis, Bhumika Piya
“The Role of Aspirations and Obligations in Explaining the Relationship between Identity Discrepancies and Psychological Distress”  Kristen Marcussen, Mary Gallagher
“Making It Count: Breadth and Intensity of Extracurricular Engagement and High School Dropout” Stephen R. Neely, Elizabeth Vaquera
“The Respectable Brotherhood: Young Black Men in an All-boys Charter High School”  Freeden Oeur
Gendered Work Experience and Society
“Rethinking Double Jeopardy: Differences in the Gender Disadvantage between Organizational Insiders and Outsiders in Korea”  Young-Mi Kim
“Gendered Representation and Critical Mass: Women’s Legislative Representation and Social Spending in 22 OECD Countries”  Soon Seok Park
Identity and Culture in Transnational Contexts
“The Formation of Spatial and Symbolic Boundaries among Vietnamese Diasporic Skilled Return Migrants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam”  Mytoan Nguyen-Akbar
“Transnational Cultural Events among Korean Immigrants in the New York-New Jersey Area” Pyong Gap Min

October 2017             Volume 60, Number 5
This issue is a special issue New Frontiers in the Study of Colorblind Racism, with the following articles:
“Colorblind Racism: Identities, Ideologies, and Shifting Subjectivities”  Meghan A. Burke
“Colorblindness as Identity: Key Determinants, Relations to Ideology, and Implications for Attitudes about Race and Policy” Douglas Hartmann, Paul R. Croll, Ryan Larson, Joseph Gerteis, Alex Manning
“The New Principle-policy Gap: How Diversity Ideology Subverts Diversity Initiatives”  Candis Watts Smith, Sarah Mayorga-Gallo
“The Fifth Frame of Colorblind Ideology: Maintaining the Comforts of Colorblindness in the Context of White Fragility”  Uma M. Jayakumar, Annie S. Adamian
“Is Blindness Contagious? Examining Racial Attitudes among People of Color with Close Interracial Relationships”  Vanessa Gonlin, Mary E. Campbell
“Racism without Hatred? Racist Humor and the Myth of ‘Colorblindness'” Raúl Pérez
“Beyond Color-blindness: (Re) Theorizing Racial Ideology”  Ashley (“Woody”) Doane

August 2017              Volume 60, Number 4
This issue contains three sections with the following articles:

Gender and the Status of Women
Editor’s Pick: “Gender, Parenthood, and Perceived Chances of Promotion” Alison T. Wynn
“Attrition from Male-dominated Occupations: Variation among Occupations and Women” Margarita Torre
“Influence of Individual- and National-Level Factors on Attitudes toward Intimate Partner Violence”  Brittany E. Hayes, Katharine A. Boyd
“Variation in Sexual Double Standards across Schools: How Do They Matter for Adolescent Sexual Behavior?”  Brian Soller, Dana L. Haynie
“Major Payoffs: Postcollege Income, Graduate School, and the Choice of ‘Risky’ Undergraduate Majors”  David Monaghan, Sou Hyun Jang
“The Closing Door: The Effect of Race on Charter School Closures” Maria Paino, Rebecca L. Boylan, Linda A. Renzulli
“Educational Ecosystems and Charter Policy Development in the United States”  Joseph B. Johnston
Race, Ethnicity, and Social Policy
“Logics of Redistribution: Determinants of Generosity in Three U.S. Social Welfare Programs”  Hana E. Brown, Rachel Kahn Best
“Intersectionality of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Age on Criminal Punishment”  Darrell Steffensmeier, Noah Painter-Davis, Jeffery Ulmer
“Racial-ethnic Identity Pairings and Mental Health of Second-generation Asian Adolescents”  Preeti Vaghela, Koji Ueno

June 2017                     Volume 60, Number 3

This issue contains four sections with the following articles:

Perceived Threat and Nativism
Editor’s Pick: “Constructing a Language Problem: Status-based Power Devaluation and the Threat of Immigrant Inclusion”  Kevin Estep
“Opportunity, Resources, and Threat: Explaining Local Nativist Organizing in the United States”   Matthew Ward
“Perceptions of Racial Group Size in a Minority-majority Area”    Robert M. Kunovich

Status, Power, and Identity
“The Effect of Status on Identity Stability”     Jenny L. Davis and Tony P. Love
“Identity and Power Use in Exchange Networks”     Scott V. Savage, Jan E. Stets, Peter J. Burke, and Zachary L. Sommer

Social Change
“Returning the ‘Social’ to Evolutionary Sociology: Reconsidering Spencer, Durkheim, and Marx’s Models of ‘Natural’ Selection     Jonathan H. Turner and Seth Abrutyn
“Permeable Participation: Civic Engagement and Protest Mobilization in 20 OECD Countries, 1981-2008”   Patrick Rafail and Isaac Freitas

“Sociospatial Dimensions of Water Injustice: The Distribution of Surface Water Toxic Releases in California’s Bay-Delta”     Raoul S. Lievanos
“Variation in Attitudes toward Being a Mother by Race/Ethnicity and Education among Women in the United States”   Veronica Tichenor, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Andrew V. Bedrous, Amy Clark, and Karena M. Shreffler
“The Health Disparities of Same-sex Cohabitors at the Intersection of Race-ethnicity and Gender”     Hui Liu, Corinne Reczek, Samuel C.H. Mindes, and Shannon Shen

April 2017                     Volume 60, Number 2
This issue contains four sections with the following articles:

Work and Occupation
Editor’s Pick: “Skills Mismatch? Military Service, Combat Occupations, and Civilian Earnings”  Alair MacLean  (podcast available)
“Work Ethic among Jews and Muslims: The Effect of Religiosity Degree and Demographic Factors”  Moshe Sharabi
“Tradeoff or Winner Take All? Relationships between Job Security and Earnings in 32 Countries”  Wei-hsin Yu

Immigrant Family
“Who Helps? Immigrant-native Differences in Patterns of Homework Assistance”  Yader R. Lanuza
“The Asian American Advantage in Math among Young Children: The Complex Role of Parenting”  Benjamin Gibbs, Priyank Shah, Douglas Downey, and Jonathan Jarvis

“Gender and Popular Culture: A Comparison of Promoter and Listener Preferences for Popular Music Artists”   Patricia L. Donze
“Structure of Cultural Rejection”  Sosuke Okada

“Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement: The Role of Neighborhood Cultural Context”  David M. Merolla
“When Order Feels Good” Sociological Perspectives on the Role of Emotions in the Restitution of Order in Failing States”  Armano Srbljinovic and Jasmina Bozic
“Organization and Stigma Management: A Comparative Study of Dumpster Divers in New York”  Gianmarco Savio

February (Spring) 2017   Volume 60, Number 1
This issue contains five sections with the following articles:

Presidential Address (from 2016 PSA conference in Oakland, CA)
“The Link Between Theory and Practice: The Conduct of Sociology”  Robert Nash Parker

Pacific Sociological Association 2016 Annual Meeting: Room Presidential Symposium
“Introduction to Room Presidential Symposium”   Robert Nash Parker
“The Distribution of Customary Behavior in a Population: The Total Consumption Model and Alcohol Policy”  Robin Room and Michael Livingston
“Comments on Room Symposium”  Won Kim Cook
“Comments on the Distribution of Customary Behavior in a Population: The Total Consumption Model and Alcohol Policy (Room and Livingston 2016)”  Thomas K. Greenfield
“Comments”  Bob Saltz

Race and Nationality
Editor’s Pick: “Racial Discourse and Partisan Blogs: How Online Commenters Manage the Partisan Divide”  Jeffrey Dowd
“‘Asianness’ Under Construction: The Contours and Negotiation of Panethnic Identity/Culture among Interethnically Married Asian Americans”  Kelly H. Chong
“Fighting Feelings: The Emotional Labor of ‘Old Heads’ in an Amateur Boxing Gym”  Jeffrey O. Sacha
“Social Determinants of Remitting Practices among Bangladeshi Migrants in Japan”  Hasan Mahmud

“Social Stratification at the Top Rung: Classed Reports of Students’ Social Experiences on a Selective University Campus”  Megan Thiele and Brian Joseph Gillespie
“Family and Schooling Experiences in Racial/Ethnic Academic Achievement Gaps: A Cumulative Perspective”  Daniel Potter and David S. Morris

New Developments in Sociological Theory
“The Moral Economies of Self-interest: The Popular Confluence of Norms of Self-interest and Norms of Solidarity”  Luis Vila-Henninger
“Products as Affective Modifiers of Identities”  Daniel B. Shank and Rohan Lulham
“Wine as a Cultural Product: Symbolic Capital and Price Formation in the Wine Field”  Jens Beckert, Jorg Rossel, and Patrick Schenk

Winter, 2016                 Volume 59, Number 4
This issue contains four sections with the following articles:

Editor’s Pick: “Do Same-sex and Straight Weddings Aspire to the Fairytale? Women’s Conformity and Resistance to Traditional Weddings”  Tina Fetner and Melanie Heath (podcast available)
“Marital Investments and Community Involvement: A Test of Coser’s Greedy Marriage Thesis”  Young-Il Kim and Jeffrey Dew
“Marrying for Papers? From Economically Strategic to Normative and Relational Dimensions of the Transition to Adulthood for Unauthorized 1.5-generation Brazilians”  Kara Cebulko

“Career and/or Mothehood? Gender and the LDS Church”  Reid Leamaster and Mangala Subramaniam
“A Cross-national Analysis of Religion and Attitudes toward Premarital Sex: Do Economic Contexts Matter?”  Jong Hyun Jung
“Faith and Facebook in a Pluralistic Age: The Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Religious Beliefs of Emerging Adults”   Paul K. McClure

Social Movements & Policy Reform
“Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones? The Problems and Promises of Policy Reform for the Animal Advocacy Movement”  Erin M. Evans
“Feminist Identity, Feminist Politics: U.S. Feminists’ Attitudes towards Social Policies”  Maura Kelly and Gordon Gauchat
“Economic Threat and Protest Behavior in Comparative Perspective”  Kyle Dodson
“Challenging Extractive Industries: How Political Context and Targets Influence Tactical Choice”  Alison E. Adams and Thomas E. Shriver


Fall, 2016                       Volume 59, Number 3
This issue contains three sections with the following articles:

Environmental Justice
“Editors’ Pick: Disproportionality of Corporations’ Environmental Pollution in the Electrical Energy Industry”   Harland Prechel and Alesha Istvan
“Environmental Sentencing in the United States Pacific Northwest 2007-11: A Story of Disparity”  Joseph Kremer
“Making an Opportunity: Strategic Bipartisanship in Taiwan’s Environmental Movement”   Ming-sho Ho
“From Global to Local: Transnational Linkages, Global Influences, and Taiwan’s Environmental NGOs” Cheng-Tong Lir Wang and Ralph Ittonen Hosoki

Health & Health Care
“Inconsistency within Expressed and Observed Racial Identifications: Implications for Mental Health Status”  Whitney N. Laster Pirtle and Tony N. Brown
“Exploring the Effects of Spousal Race on the Self-rated Health of Intermarried Adults”  Byron Miller and Ben Lennox Kail
“Implementing ObamaCare: The Politics of Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act of 2010”  Daniel Lanford and Jill Quadagno
“Beyond Access: Social Safety Nets and the Use of Free Health Care Services”  Kathleen C. Oberlin and Oren Pizmony-Levy

Immigrant Adaptation
“Neighborhood Segregation and Business Outcomes: Mexican Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Los Angeles County”  Dolores Trevizo and Mary J. Lopez
“Cultural Capital, Motherhood Capital, and Low-income Immigrant Mothers’ Institutional Negotiations”  Ming-Cheng M. Lo

Summer, 2016             Volume 59, Number 2
This issue contains four sections with the following articles:

Insights from & on Academia
“Enhancing Gender Equity in Academia: Lessons from the ADVANCE Program”    Judith Stepan-Norris and Jasmine Kerrissey
“Going Public, Gaining Credibility: Student Perceptions of Publicly Engaged Scholars”  Timothy L. O’Brien and Oren Pizmony-Levy
“‘Success Is Relative’: Comparative Social Class and Ethnic Effects in an Academic Paradox”    Christine J. Oh and Nadia Y. Kim
“Adolescent-Parent College Aspiration Discrepancies and Changes in Depressive Symptoms”   Mary Gallagher

Race & Class Inequalities
“Social Bonding to School and Educational Inequality: Race/Ethnicity, Dropping Out, and the Significance of Place”   Anthony A. Peguero, Sarah M. Ovink, and Yun Ling Li
“Social Class, Family Formation, and Delinquency in Early Adulthood”  Danielle C. Kuhl, Jorge M. Chavez, Raymond R. Swisher, and Andrew Wilczak
“Wealth Inequality among New Immigrants”   Matthew A. Painter II and Zhenchao Qian
“Individual Responsibility, Culture, or State Organized Enslavement? How Tea Party Activists Frame Racial Inequality”  Kristin Haltinner

Global Citizens & World Society
“Expansive and Complex Pathways to World Society: The Global Connections of Kenyan Environmental Organizations and Their Support for Climate Change Scripts”   Christopher Todd Beer
“The Importance of Micro-level Effects on Social Movement Outcomes:MachsomWatch at Israeli Checkpoints”   Rachel V. Kutz-Flamenbaum

Urban Sociology
“Urban Mascots and Poverty Fetishism: Authenticity in the Postindustrial City”   Terressa A. Benz
“Curating Value in Changing Markets: Independent Record Stores and the Vinyl Record Revival”   Jerome M. Hendricks

Spring, 2016                   Volume 59, Number 1
This issue contains five sections with the following articles:

Letters from the Editors
Letter from the Outgoing Editors
Letter from the Co-Editors of Sociological Perspectives    Matthew J. Carlson, Lindsey Wilkinson, and Hyeyoung Woo

Presidential Address
“People, Place, and Power: Changing Life Courses and Inequality”  Patricia A. Gwartney

Special Section: Sex Work and Human Trafficking
“Sociological Perspectives on Sex Work and Human Trafficking”    Kari Lerum and Barbara G. Brents
“Framing Sex Worker Rights: How U.S. Sex Worker Rights Activists Perceive and Respond to Mainstream Anti–Sex Trafficking Advocacy”   Crystal A. Jackson
“Pimping and Profitability: Testing the Economics of Trafficking in Street Sex Markets in Atlantic City, New Jersey”   Anthony Marcus, Jo Sanson, Amber Horning, Efram Thompson, and Ric Curtis
“Not in My ‘Backyard Abolitionism’: Vigilante Rescue against American Sex Trafficking”   Elena Shih

Race-Ethnicity and Individual and Community Well-Being
“Race, Skin Tone, and Educational Achievement”   Maxine S. Thompson and Steve McDonald
“Ethnic-group Differences in Retail Enterprise: The Late-nineteenth-century United States”   Robert L. Boyd
“Immigration Effects on Violence Contextualized: The Role of Immigrant Destination Type and Race/Ethnicity”   Noah Painter-Davis

Social Identity
“Social and Individual Sources of Self-identification as Global Citizens: Evidence from the Interactive Multilevel Model”   Min Zhou
“College Republicans and Conservative Social Identity”   Jeffrey L. Kidder
“Preserving and Protecting Well-being among Homeless Men”   Josie Parker, Donald C. Reitzes, and Erin E. Ruel

Winter, 2015                 Volume 58, Number 4
This issue contains four sections with the following articles:

 Micro Dynamics of Social Life
“Encounters on the Social Web: Everyday Life and Emotions Online”   Roser Beneito-Montagut
“Expectations, Status Value, and Group Structure”   Stuart J. Hysom, Murray Webster, Jr., and Lisa Slattery Walker

“’We Didn’t Even Think about Adopting Domestically’: The Role of Race and Other Factors in Shaping Parents’ Decisions to Adopt Abroad”   Nikki Khanna and Caitlin Killian
“The Relationship between Military Service and Childbearing for Men and Women”   Jay Teachman, Lucky Tedrow, and Carter Anderson
“Academic Performance of Only Children Who Monopolize Parental Resources: The Case of Taiwan”   Wan-Chi Chen

Racial Formation & Consequences
“Jobs, Flags, and Laws: How Interests, Culture, and Values Explain Recruitment into the Utah Minuteman Project”   Julie Stewart, Michele Enciso Bendall, and Charlie V. Morgan
“Understanding Associations between Religious Beliefs and White Privilege Attitudes”   Nathan R. Todd, Rachael L. Suffrin, Elizabeth A. McConnell, and Charlynn A. Odahl-Ruan
“Perceived Discrimination among Latino Immigrants in New Destinations: The Case of Durham, North Carolina”   Chenoa A. Flippen and Emilio A. Parrado
“Explaining the Association between Gender and Substance Use among American Indian Adolescents: An Application of Power-control Theory”   Tamela McNulty Eitle and David Eitle

Movements & Markets
“Marketizing Social Change: Social Shareholder Activism and Responsible Investing”    Leslie King and Elisabeth Gish

Fall, 2015                       Volume 58, Number 3
This issue contains three sections with the following articles:

Gender & Sexuality
‘”I Did Not Do It My Way’: The Peer Context of Inauthentic Romantic Relationships”  Brian Soller
“Mismatched Educational Expectations and Achievement and Adolescent Women’s Risk of Unprotected First Sex”  Irenee R. Beattie
“Same-sex Sexuality and Postsecondary Outcomes: The Role of High School Locale”  Lindsey Wilkinson and Jennifer Pearson
“Construction of Status Equality in Friendships between Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students and Straight Students in College”  Koji Ueno and Haley Gentile
“A More Perfect Union? Christian Nationalism and Support for Same-sex Unions”  Andrew L. Whitehead and Samuel L. Perry

Environmental Perceptions & Action
“Differences in Public Perceptions and Leaders’ Perceptions on Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Development”  Jessica Crowe, Tony Silva, Ryan G. Ceresola, Amanda Buday, and Charles Leonard
“What Shapes Corporate Involvement in Voter Referendums? The Case of Opposition to GM Food Labeling”  Tarun Banerjee and Joshua Murray

Methodological Advances
“Making Sense of Asian American Ethnic Neighborhoods:  A Typology and Application to Health”  Emily Walton
“A ‘Paired Cases Contrast’ Method in the Absence of Reliable Metrics in Organizational Research: Proof of Concept”  Charles Powers and Marilyn Fernandez

Summer, 2015             Volume 58, Number 2
This issue contains three sections with the following articles:

Parenting in Context
“Mixed Parents, Mixed Results: Testing the Effects of Cross-nativity Partnership on Children’s Educational Attainment”  Victor Emonds and Frank van Tubergen
“Does Parenting Style Matter? Concerted Cultivation, Educational Expectations, and the Transmission of Educational Advantage”  Brian V. Carolan and Sara J. Wasserman
“Anticipatory Socialization of Pregnant Women: Learning Fetal Sex and Gendered Interactions”  Medora W. Barnes

Transitions to Adulthood
“Can Social Ties Be Harmful? Examining the Spread of Suicide in Early Adulthood”  Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, and Cynthia Stockton
“Training Young Activists: Grassroots Organizing and Youths’ Civic and Political Trajectories”  Veronica Terriquez
“‘Pushed Out on My Own’: The Impact of Hurricane Katrina in the Lives of Low-income Emerging Adults”  Stacey J. Bosick
“Civic Participation through Volunteerism among Youth across Immigrant Generations”  Hiromi Ishizawa

Development in Cross-National Perspective
“Dependency, Urban Slums, and the Forgotten Plagues: Tuberculosis and Malaria Prevalence in Less Developed Nations”  Kelly F. Austin
“Taking Time Seriously: Delayed Effects of Economic Development on Democracy, 1960-2010”  Mikhail Balaev

Spring, 2015                 Volume 58, Number 1
This issue contains three sections with the following articles:

The Work of Motherhood
“The Importance of Motherhood and Fertility Intentions among U.S. Women” Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, and Andrew V. Bedrous
“Negotiating ‘The Welfare Queen’ and ‘The Strong Black Woman’: African American Middle-Class Mothers’ Work and Family Perspectives” Dawn Marie Dow

Gendered Work and Culture
“Engineers and Engineeresses? Self-Conceptions and the Development of Gendered Professional Identities” Erin Cech
“Boundary Tastes at Work: The Gendered Effect of Authority Positions in the Workplace on Taste in Clothing and Food” Mart Willekens and John Lievens

College:  Sports and Religion
“It Pays to Bend the Rules: The Consequences of NCAA Athletic Sanctions” D. Randall Smith
“Social Context and College Completion in the United States: The Role of Congregational Biblical Literalism”  Samuel Stroope, Aaron B. Franzen, and Jeremy E. Uecker

The issue also features PSA Past President Amy S. Wharton’s 2014 Presidential Address, “(Un)Changing Institutions: Work, Family, and Gender in the New Economy” and a Letter from Co-editors Jim Elliott, Robert O’Brien, and Jean Stockard

Winter, 2014                Volume 57, Number 4
This issue contains three sections, with the following articles:

Identity as Social Process
“Self Esteem and Identities” Jan E. Stets and Peter J. Burke
“Becoming and Belonging in Gay Men’s Life Stories: A Case Study of a Voluntaristic Model of Identity” Matthew Rowe

Social Production of Difference
“Othering Obama: Racial Attitudes and Dubious Beliefs about the Nation’s First Black President” Daniel Tope, Justin T. Pickett, Ryon J. Cobb, and Jonathan Dirlam
“Are Perceptions of Discrimination Unidimensional, Oppositional, or Intersectional? Examining the Relationship among Perceived Racial-Ethnic-, Gender-, and Age-Based Discrimination”  Catherine E. Harnois

Global Inequalities and Movements
“Storytelling, Identity, and Strategy: Perceiving Shifting Obstacles in the Fight for Abortion Rights in Argentina” Elizabeth Borland
“The Legitimation of Inequality: Psychosocial Dispositions, Education, and Attitudes toward Income Inequality in China” Dong-Kyun Im
“Nongovernmental Regulation and Construction of Value in Global Markets: The Rise of Fair Trade, 1961-2006” Kristen Shorette