Nominations for SWS awards by April 1

SWS Awards with April 1, 2023 Deadline

SWS is pleased to recognize many forms of outstanding feminist work. SWS presents these awards at the Awards Reception during the Summer Meeting, held each August. This year, the Awards Reception will take place on August 20 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. 

There are four awards for this awards cycle in April: 

  • Esther Ngan-ling Chow and Mareyjoyce Green Dissertation Scholarship
    • Sociologists for Women in Society has worked hard to build a coalition of women scholars who share concerns about the status of women both domestically and internationally or transnationally. In keeping with that mission, SWS established a Women of Color Scholarship at its annual meeting in February 2007. The primary purposes of the scholarship are:
      • To offer support to women and non-binary scholars of color who are from underrepresented groups and are studying concerns that women of color face domestically and/or internationally or transnationally.
      • To increase the network and participation of students and professionals of color in SWS and beyond
  • Beth B. Hess Memorial Dissertation Scholarship
    • The Beth B. Hess Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to an advanced sociology Ph.D. student who began their study in a community college or technical school. A student advanced to candidacy (ABD status) in an accredited Ph.D. program in sociology is eligible to apply if they studied at a U.S. two-year college either part-time or full-time for the equivalent of at least one full academic year that was not part of a high-school dual-enrollment or enrichment program. Students who attended the international equivalent of a U.S. two-year college are also welcome to apply.
  • Barbara Rosenblum Dissertation Scholarship
    • The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage doctoral research in sociology, anthropology, psychology, and related fields on women’s experience of breast cancer and other reproductive cancers and the prevention of these cancers. Another goal of the scholarship is to encourage scholars to make this type of research accessible to the public through speaking and publishing for lay audiences.
  • Social Actions Initiative Awards
    • In 2016, SWS Council approved the Social Action Committee’s (SAC) proposal to support more direct social action of SWS members.  The Social Actions Initiative Awards is SAC’s efforts to directly support and encourage the social activism of SWS members.  Awards are given out twice per year on a competitive basis until funds are fully dispersed.  The social actions represented by this initiative are central to advancing the mission of SWS.

Please note that you do not need to be an SWS member to apply or nominate someone for the first three awards, but you need to use the portal. The link to apply is:

Only Current SWS Members can apply for the funding through the Social Actions Initiative Awards.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Natasha Santana

Administrative Officer, Sociologists for Women in Society