Assistant Professor of Sociology

The Department of Sociology invites applicants for a tenure track Assistant Professor position, beginning in Fall 2024, open field. The College of the Pacific is hiring across multiple fields this year and seeks to bring in a cohort of new faculty to build upon and elevate our existing interdisciplinary focus areas: Environment and sustainability; Mental health and wellness; Communication, media, and design; Law and policy; and Health studies. The Sociology Department offers a standard sociology major, along with concentrations in criminal justice, social work, diversity and equity, and community engagement. The successful candidate will be able to align with one of these concentrations and collaborate with colleagues to further develop student-centered programs in one or more of our interdisciplinary focus areas. The teaching load may include courses such as Environmental Health & Justice, Race & Ethnicity, Social Problems, Introduction to Sociology, and Self & Society, along with other courses from the Sociology curriculum or designed to fit the candidate’s area of expertise including special topics courses. The successful candidate will demonstrate a commitment to inclusive teaching strategies and the ability to integrate diversity into the curriculum. Information about the Sociology program can be found here:

In addition to teaching a range of courses within Sociology, the successful candidate will teach in the College’s first-year seminar program, develop general education courses with broad appeal, and help build a meaningful internship program for students in collaboration with campus partners. Our faculty are dedicated teachers and advisors who value collaboration and develop innovative pedagogies to engage students and enhance their learning in addition to engaging in scholarship and service. We are excited to welcome new colleagues who are eager to be part of our vibrant academic community and to contribute to the College’s growth and development.

A Ph.D. in Sociology is required for the Assistant Professor position by the start of the Fall 2024 term. While open to candidates representing the broad field of sociology, the committee will give special consideration to candidates with demonstrated capabilities in one or more of the following areas: environment and sustainability, diversity and equity, community engagement, social services, and criminal justice. The College is also conducting searches for tenure-track assistant professors in Biological Sciences; Health and Exercise Sciences; Media X (multimedia design and production); and Psychology. Please see our ad in the Chronicle of Higher Education for more details. 

Candidates should apply at documents include a cover letter describing teaching experience and interests, relevant research; a current CV; diversity statement; and a list of three references who will provide letters of recommendation for applicants who are shortlisted. The hiring committee will begin reviewing applications on September 15, 2023, and will continue to review until the position is filled.